Since 2021 the team of volunteers of the IADP have worked relentlessly on implementing our mission statement. 

"Develop and Supporting marine conservation projects, and education; worldwide. 
Providing active support to third world countries’ minority coastline residents and communities. Assisting local organizations in logistical support."
Click here for our MISSION STATEMENT.

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Turning back to the sea means getting more people excited about what our coastal regions have to offer, and growing a new generation of innovative coastal and marine businesses.

GOBLU3 puts people in control so they can shape local priorities, value their greatest assets, and vitalize their shorelines.

"Somewhere along the way, we lost something very important. Our belief in the Sea, as a source of prosperity."

Without the necessary support, communities and businesses are struggling to make the most of their Sea's abundant potential, for cleaner energy, food and energy. And without the appropriate resources, local authorities are discouraged from innovating in more sustainable ways to protect homes and businesses from climate change. Healthier and more productive seas can be an engine for more and better jobs in the future.
Focusing on these priorities, through innovation and greater investment in building expertise and capacity in our coastal communities, has the potential to support additional jobs, and address food shortages.

Read More on GOBLU3, click here.