The I.A.D.P's most ambitious initiative has been the implementation of our GoBlu3, M.A.E.R.C, and Vault projects, developed over the last few decades. Operation Red Sea tested these concepts on the shorelines of Sudan and Egypt's Red Sea, since October 2021.

Recently, the research phase of #OPREDSEA concluded, and we have secured suitable locations for further development in the Ain Sokhna region (Northern Red Sea, 80 KM south of Suez, Egypt), in collaboration with local stakeholders and partners. 

We are also committed to supporting our members through various initiatives. One of our key projects is the relaunch of THEDIVEPROFESSIONAL.ORG in the fall of 2024. The renewed members portal will not only enhance the features our community appreciated in previous versions but also introduce numerous unique new features designed to enrich the experience for our members.

From the North Sea to the Red Sea, let's Go Blu3!
Dive professionals are the Ocean's front line workers. 
Without the necessary support, communities, professionals and businesses struggle to harness their seas' potential for cleaner energy, food, and sustainable development.

Healthier and more productive seas can drive the creation of better job prospects for pro divers in the future, while adressing the impacts of climate change. GoBlu3 focuses on innovation and increased investment in building expertise and capacity within our coastal communities. Creating additional jobs, address food shortages and accelerating the transition to clean energy.



Our beloved e-mag is returning to the web (Fall 2024)